Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

May 10, 2018 / Comments (0)

Community News

The Blackridge Garden Club, in the form of EJ’s Army, was wonderfully and ably assisted in litter pickup along Beulah Road at 8:30 am on Saturday, April 28th. It is early to ask folks to come out to a busy road and collect refuse of all sorts but SO MANY did so, and we are very grateful! A record turnout of EIGHTEEN PEOPLE made quick work (a record 45 minutes!!!) of the job. So, many, many thanks to: Denny & Penny Bossick, David Kissell, David Gates, Anne Messner, Barb Trusilo, Vicki and her son, Andy, Rodia, Cathy Gazeo, Kathy Powers, Nancy Bonga, Nancy Carpenter, Carl Roehlich, Peg Parsons, Todd Hoover & Alan Livengood, Barb & Gary Liberati. And, of course, our very own energizer bunny and general of the Army: EJ Foster! More than half of the volunteers were not BGC members and we won’t soon forget your help.