After months of planning and development, we’re excited to have launched the new BCA website! It’s the same address as the old one (, but has a lot of great new features.
Please take a look around and let us know if you notice any problems or have any questions.
We’re also still looking to fill the new BCA communications position. If you think you’d be a great fit for this role, please get in touch!
BCA Communications Position:
As the BCA prepares for its transition to a new status, the board is seeking an individual to help unify organizational
The role would involve working with the BCA board on regular updates to our new WordPress website and newsletter and overseeing the BCA’s social media presence. The primary goal of this position would be keeping the membership up-to-date on events, community issues, and organizational information.
If anyone in the neighborhood is interested or knows of someone who might be interested in filling this role, please contact the BCA via email or speak to your Block Captain.
Than you for your continued interest in the Blackridge Civic Association!