Please come out and greet Santa for treats and picture opportunities. The following street times are approximate so listen for the sirens. Unfortunately we cannot make it to every street, so if your street isn’t listed, please go to the nearest one so you can meet Santa!
10:00. Parade leaves the Borough parking lot
10:05. Forest Drive
10:10. Williamsburg Place — upper
10:15. Hollywood Drive
10:25 Collins Road
10:30. Williamsburg Place — lower
10:40 Greensburg Pike
10:50. Barton Drive
11:00. Marbury Road
11:10. Garden Terrace
11:15. Henley Drive
11:25. Thornberry Drive
11:30. Garrick Drive
11:45. Fenwick Drive
11:55. Kings Dale Road
12:05. Homer Drive
12:15. Hampstead Drive
12:30. Holland Road
12:40. Ridgewood Drive
12:55. Nottingham Drive
1:10. Churchill Road