In the last few months, the BCA has been awarded three grants for improvements to the facilities and grounds of the BCA and BSC!
The first two grants will allow us to replace the failing retaining walls along the pool and the driveway. Both will be rebuilt with water remediation systems installed, and the grounds on the front of the building and along the entrance driveway will have rainwater controls implemented to reduce runoff. The driveway and parking lot are also going to be repaved.
The work in these projects will be done in phases. While most of the work will not hamper the operations of the BCA, there will be about two weeks (one week for the driveway wall reconstruction and one week for the paving) that the BCA will not be accessible from Beulah Road. Weather will dictate the schedule, but the plan is to have all work completed before May 20th. Watch the BCA website for updates and closures.
The third grant (which was recently received) will allow for improvements to the pool. Several projects were submitted under the grant application, so the BSC will be considering timing and costs to determine what improvements will be taken on. Stay tuned for updates from the BSC!
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