The BCA has been awarded a new grant in the amount of $109,000 for improvements to the grounds.
This grant requires 15% matching funds. To use the entire amount, the BCA needs to raise $16,350 over the next year. We are starting this fund-raising campaign with a 50/50 raffle during our Open House Party on June 12th.
(Additional details about the grant will also be made available at the Open House Party.)
Cost of tickets: $1 each, 7 for $5, 20 for $10
Pre-Sale is available!
1) Print as many tickets as you would like (click here for printable sheet of tickets)
2) Fill out your tickets with your name and preferred means of contact
3) Make out a check for payment to “BCA”, write “50/50” in the memo section
4) Send tickets and payment to: Blackridge Civic Association, P.O. Box 10684, Pittsburgh PA 15235
5) Please mail on or before June 5th to allow time for delivery.
Tickets will also be available for purchase during the event. Ticket drawing will be at the Open House Party on June 12th, at the end of the event (7:00PM). Winner need not be present at the time of the drawing