Saturday June 20th at 1:30pm
We were recently approached by the Hillwood Development Company, who is proposing a project for the revitalization of the old Westinghouse site in Churchill. We were presented with an option to host an information session regarding the development of the site – they wanted to hold a community
presentation before the next Churchill Borough Council meeting, but we worked it out with them to do the presentation on June 20th.
To make it convenient to the BCA membership, we will hold our annual membership presentation prior to the Hillwood presentation. We are planning to have both be available virtually to allow as many people as possible to attend.
As we are not sure if Allegheny County will go (and remain) COVID Green, the seating will be limited. Since we are going to hold our meeting first, we wanted to give BCA members the opportunity to reserve any available seats, and are making this invitation available electronically while we work out other means of advertising the event. Members have first option to save a seat before the information goes out to the public – seating will be first come/first served based on an email timestamp.
Please RSVP to hold a seat by sending an email to Dirk Page and Jen Suiters if you wish to physically attend the meeting, details of which are forthcoming. As a heads up, we believe that the usual “Strawberry Festival” portion of the event does not seem practical at the moment.