Wednesday, February 19, 7PM at the BCA Clubhouse
The Blackridge Garden Club invites you to a free program about saving our local trees. A group of experts will be present to answer all of your questions about how to preserve our canopy, properly prune and care for our trees, and about our new and established Blackridge area tree ordinances.
The Experts:
Jason Rihn, Arborist, Bartlett Tree Experts
Ken Balkey, Churchill Tree Committee
Jeanne Drennan, Wilkinsburg Shade Tree Committee
Kathy Raborn, Penn Hills Shade Tree Commission
Jan Raether, Nine Mile Run Watershed Association
Refreshments · Raffle: $5 per ticket · Friends and Neighbors Welcome
RSVP to Judy Diorio by February 13, 2020, at
For more information visit